The support and services that Susannah can offer reflect her expertise and experience of working successfully in the HE sector for over 25 years as a leader, as a consultant and as a trustee/governor. Assignments may range from a few days through to longer-term engagement. Susannah liaises closely with each client to ensure that the work is tailored to meet the specific outcomes being sought. Below are the broad areas in which she can provide support, and her list of recent projects provide further insight.
Strategic development
Developing or evaluating strategy documents
Developing or evaluating business cases
Undertaking sector or wider research
Setting up, reviewing or withdrawing from collaborative provision
Reviewing service design or resource
Readiness assessments for new initiatives (e.g. awarding powers)
Reviewing academic governance and effectiveness
Critical reader or panel member
Regulatory compliance
Reviewing compliance with OfS conditions
Addressing gaps in compliance
Drafting Student Protection Plans
Academic and student policy frameworks
Reviewing policy, regulatory or process effectiveness
Writing straightforward policy and regulation
Reviewing or creating collaborative provision frameworks
Effective working
Reviewing team structures and/or team effectiveness
Reviewing roles and responsibilities
Mediating working relationships (TCM Accredited Mediator)
Mentoring managers or leaders
Investigating cases
Susannah is a TCM Accredited Investigator and has also undertaken training with The Consent Collective on investigating alleged cases of sexual harassment.